Thursday, December 22, 2011

I can't talk and mingle with my contacts on the social sites, why?

Dear Readers, as we are social human beings we have needs to talk to our friends, contacts in order to feed our souls with the realm of socializing and eliminate hatred among ourselves. Social platforms are the best ways to intermingle with foreign friends all over the world, learn and understand new cultures , try to learn new ways of thinking without transcending to border to border with our passports and wait in long queues to fly with the help of compter and the internet.
So if i add some people as contacts and try to talk to them about new things and aspects of life and our culture, are we really better off ? For me, learning new ways of thinking and perceptions are the utmost cruciality in getting through the life patterns. Some of the contacts , even if you talked face to face don't want to talk over those social networks. This appeals to me really strange and I don't approve it.
But if you are looking for doing business, networks like facebook, myspace, alibaba, skype,msn messenger have the utmost importance to deliver our urgent needs for goods and services. In these economic troubled times of 2011, these internet gadgets have great importance to delve into accomplishing those intermediaries of computer miracles.
With the advent of new apps and widgets, the demise of old , mediocre anti-social products were reinvented and even the washing machines and dishwashers will be connected to the internet to see the process development stages from our laptops.
Learning curve for the kids concerning those new apps and social networks decreased 2 times and internet is helping them to learn new languages,information and courses at the ease of their comfortable sofas and desks in their homes.
As I had worked in the long distance classroom teaching processes in 1990s and have really satisfaction with satellite connections to the 4 campuses of my university ,  the best advice for me is to disseminate video tutorials of primary, secondary, high school and university education throughout the web with some username and password combination and get the tests in the classroom settings in the near future.